Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.

How much do we receive? Academic Year 2024-2025
LAC / Post LAC / Service Children

Number of Pupils entitled to the grant as of December 2024
Grant Per Pupil
Total Pupil Premium Received
What do we spend the money on?
Employment of a full time Child and Family Support Worker to provide targeted emotional regulation support to pupils and other support to families.
Outstanding teaching and use of additional members of staff within the school to provide specific support for disadvantaged pupils.
Provision of financial support to allow eligible children to access a range of activities including Breakfast and After School Club, and enrichment opportunities.
Targeted interventions to support interaction, communication and language skills, as well as retention and processing skills.
To enhance our curriculum offer and provide a wider range of enrichment opportunities and experiences.