School Colours: Grey, White and Pink
Our School Uniform and logo are important to us. Together they help us to identify ourselves as a school family promoting a strong, cohesive school identity which supports high standards and expectations in all areas of school life. It promotes harmony between different groups represented in the school, and it enhances security. The Governing Body have decided that all children should wear the uniform and we encourage children to maintain an acceptable standard of clean and tidy dress at all times.
Aims and Objectives
promotes a sense of pride in the school
encourages a sense of community and belonging towards the school
is practical and smart
identifies the children with the school
is designed with health and safety in mind
prevents children from coming to school in fashion clothes that could be distracting in class
makes children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
is regarded as suitable wear for school and good value for money by most parents
is conducive to good educational practice
To ensure that these aims are realised, the headteacher retains overall responsibility for assessing the appropriateness of individual items of clothing and hair style.
Items carrying the school logo are available from ‘Yours in Sport’ in Maldon, but are not compulsory. Their contact details and leaflet are available from the school office. All items of uniform are readily available from the high street – if parents and carers find any item difficult to obtain, please contact the school. Our uniform has been kept simple to avoid unnecessary expense.
We are very mindful of the fact that in some cases financial hardship may be the cause of non-compliance with our uniform policy. We wish to engage with our families and offer any support that we can. Our PTA offer good quality used uniform for resale at a minimal charge and their contact details are available from the School Office. Uniform is also available at our termly parent drop-in sessions. In addition, Mrs Evans and Mrs Steventon-Kiy are available to offer support and advice.
- White blouse, shirt or polo shirt (logo optional)
- Grey skirt or pinafore dress
- Grey trousers or shorts
- Pink checked dress (Summer)
- Mid grey sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan (logo optional)
- White or grey ankle socks
- Grey tights
- Black shoes or trainers (visible brand logos are not acceptable)
N.B. For Health and Safety reasons all shoes must have a strap at the back. Fashion plimsolls, mules, open toed sandals or flip flops are not appropriate. In addition shoes must be flat or have very low heels.
Fashion items such as very short skirts, low slung trousers or over the knee socks are not acceptable. As fashions are constantly changing the headteacher will make the final decision as to the suitability of particular items for school wear.
- Black shorts
- White tee-shirt (logo optional)
- Trainers for outdoor activities (plimsolls are not suitable for outdoor activities)
- Plimsolls or trainers for indoor activities
- Jogging bottoms or tracksuit for outdoor PE in Autumn and Winter terms.
- All necessary pens, pencils, rulers etc are supplied by the school and children are not permitted to bring in their own pencil cases or equipment.
- No knives or sharp blades should be brought into the school in any circumstances
- In the interests of safety, children who walk to and from school alone may bring mobile phones into school. However, these MUST be handed into their teacher on arrival at school and will be returned at the end of the day. If a child is found to have a mobile phone on them during the school day, it will be confiscated and only returned to the child’s parent or carer.
- Electronic games such as ‘PSPs’ and ‘DSs’ are not allowed in school except as an occasional special reward. Parents will be notified in writing if this is the case and parental permission will be requested.
- No medicine should ever be brought to school by a child; with the exception of inhalers or epi-pens.
- No ‘swap’ cards i.e. ‘Pokemon’ or ‘Match Attacks’, unless there has been specific permission given.
- No inappropriate books, videos or magazines
- No money should be brought to school unless for a specific permissible purpose
- Bags to carry equipment and belongings in should be of a reasonable size as space in the cloakrooms is limited.
Staff code of dress
All staff including students on placement are required to conform to a smart code of dress (in line with our Staff Dress Code). This should be conducive to the high standards expected of professional educators.
The Role of Parents and Carers
We ask all parents who send their children to our school to support the school uniform policy and this forms an important element of our Home School Agreement. We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily schoolwork. One of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform, that it is clean, in good repair and labeled with their child’s name.
Modifications to the uniform policy may only be made with the approval of the Governing Body. The school welcomes children from all backgrounds and faith communities. If there are reasons on religious or other grounds, why parents want their child to wear clothes that differ from the school uniform, then the school will consider any such requests.
The Role of Governors
The Governing Body supports the headteacher in implementing the school uniform policy and liaises with the headteacher to ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and with sensitivity.
It is the Governors’ responsibility to ensure that the school uniform meets all regulations concerning equal opportunities.
Governors ensure that the school uniform policy helps children to dress appropriately, in clothing that is hard wearing, safe and practical.
Racial Equality & Equal Opportunities
We are committed to ensuring that our school uniform is affordable for all our families. All children have equal access to wearing school uniform regardless of their culture, race, religion, gender, disability or ability. We ensure that the set uniform respect other policies such as Race relations, sex discrimination and allows for individual sets of circumstances of all groups and individuals. Burnham on Crouch Primary School is committed to creating a positive climate that will enable everyone to work free from racial intimidation and harassment and to achieve their full potential.