Administering Medicines
Children with medical needs have the same rights of admission to our school as other children. Most children will at some time have short-term medical needs, while other children may have longer term medical needs and may require medicines on a long-term basis to keep them well. Other children may require medicines in particular circumstances, such as children with severe allergies.
Aims of this policy
– to explain our procedures for managing medicines which may need to be taken during the school day
– to explain our procedures for managing medicines on school trips
– to outline the roles and responsibilities for the administration of medicines
In general, school staff cannot legally be required to administer medication or supervise a pupil taking it.
However, all staff in school have a duty to act as any reasonable prudent parent would, to make sure that pupils in their care are healthy and safe and this might extend to administering medicine or taking action in an emergency.
Medicines will normally be administered by the School Welfare Assistant but other members of staff may have named responsibility within children’s Individual Medical Plans.We will:
- Administer prescription medicines during the school day if absolutely necessary (i.e. in cases where it would be detrimental to the child’s health if it were not administered during the school day).
- Antibiotics can only be administered when the dosage is 4 times a day unless otherwise recommended by GP
- Require parents to complete a consent form detailing doses and times. Medicines must be supplied in the original container they were dispensed in
- Devise Individual Medical Care Plans, with parents, for managing long-term medical needs
- Appoint a ‘named person’ for the administration of medication that requires specialist training (e.g. Epipens)
- Keep inhalers in boxes in the classrooms so they are always accessible. Parents will be required to complete an asthma consent form
- Supervise the administration of inhalers
- Store prescribed medication safely
- Document administration
We will not:
- Administer any non-prescription medication unless agreed with the school office in advance
- Administer any aspirin or ibuprofen-based medicines unless prescribed by a doctor
- Administer inhalers – children should be taught to self-administer
Refusal of Medicines
If a child refuses to take medicines, staff should not force them to do so, but should note this in the records and inform parents immediately or as soon as is reasonably possible.
Storage of Medicines
All medicines should be delivered to the school office by the parent or carer. In no circumstances should medicines be left in a child’s possession. Teachers and teaching assistants should not take receipt of any medicines.
All medicines should be stored in accordance with product instructions (paying particular attention to temperature). Medicines will normally be kept in the school office or medical room fridge and should not be kept in classrooms, with the exception of Epipens and inhalers, unless stated within an Individual Medical Plan.
All medicines must be stored in the supplied container and be clearly labeled with the name of the child; the name and dose of the medicine and the frequency of administration. All emergency medicines, such as asthma inhalers and Epipens, should be readily available and kept in an agreed place in the classroom or medical room. Children may carry their own inhalers, when appropriate.
Disposal of Medicines
Staff should not dispose of medicines. Parents are responsible for ensuring that date-expired medicines are returned to the pharmacy for safe disposal. Unused medicines must be collected at the end of the agreed administration time period.
Medication and Off-site Activities
- A named member of staff has responsibility for management of medication. This person must be given all the relevant information in writing by the parents
- Generally, Key Stage One children would not be required to carry their own inhalers, but refer to the responsible adult if self-administration is required. Parents wishing their children to take full responsibility for their own inhalers must agree this with the Headteacher or the responsible adult
- Key Stage Two children carry their own inhalers for self-administration under supervision
- For residential visits, parents are asked to give written consent for the use of mild analgesics if required
We ask parents to help by:
- Administering medicines out of school hours wherever possible
- Offering to administer medication during the school day themselves
- ‘Training’ inhaler users to self-administer
- Ensuring that medicines are ‘in date’ and collecting medication that is no longer required
- Ensuring that current and accurate medical information is passed to the office
The head and staff should always treat medical information confidentially. The head should agree with the child/parent who else should have access to records and other information about a child.
Staff Training
Members of staff with responsibilities for administrating medicines are given appropriate training.
This policy should be reviewed annually in accordance with Local Authority and National guidance.