Online Safety

Children at Burnham-on-Crouch Primary School will access the Internet in a variety of ways in order to support their learning across the curriculum. Using the Internet at school is safe because there are restrictions in place about the sorts of sites that they can access, and they are always under the supervision of an adult.

In addition, we actively teach Internet Safety as part of our ICT Curriculum and staff and children are currently working towards the award of the E-Safety Mark. You can download our Use of the Internet Policy from the Policy section of this website.

However, once out of school, children use a variety of devices such as mobile phones, games consoles, television, tablets, netbooks and computers often with no restrictions on the content that they can see or interact with. This can include the use of Social Networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter which can be dangerous places for young children as they often have no idea who they are ‘talking’ to on such sites. As a result specific sessions about how to stay safe on line are held annually with pupils from Key stage 2 upwards and with parents.

The Internet and Children – What’s the Problem?

A very useful safety leaflet has been produced by an organisation called Stop it Now which can be accessed via their website

The danger of strangers online

When you think about Stranger Danger are you thinking of a white van outside a school or a man with a dog that has just had puppies? Many parents are preparing their children for life as it was in 1990 and not life as it is today. This is a link to a useful web site on this subject. Particularly check out the Resources section.
